Antimicrobial Resistance in Wild Boar in Europe: Present Knowledge and Future Challenges
Tipo de artigo
Artigo Cientifico
Espécie Animal
RevistaIn Ecology, Conservation and Management of Wild Pigs and Peccaries (pp 437-444). Cambridge University Press
Tinoco Torres, R., Cunha, M. V., Caetano, T., Mendo, S., Serrano, E., & Fonseca, C.
Instituição do primeiro autor
Departamento de Biologia & CESAM, Universidade de Aveiro
Deciphering the microbial landscape of Iberian wild mammals
Covering all wild pig and peccary species, this forthcoming volume brings together the contributions of almost 100 international experts on the ecology, conservation status and management of the Suidae and Tayassuidae families providing:
- A comprehensive review of current knowledge on evolution, taxonomy and domestication of wild pigs and peccaries (chapters 1 to 5);
- A complete understanding of the ecology and conservation of each species and the gaps in our current knowledge (chapters 6 to 25);
- A number of case studies on conservation activities and management of wild and feral pigs (chapters 26 to 38).
Palavras-chavejavali, resistência a antibióticos